require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' desc 'Default: run unit tests.' task :default => :test desc 'Test the yar_wiki plugin.' do |t| ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' t.libs << 'lib' t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true end # ERGO teach +sed+ to trim trailing spaces, and to not modify the file time if there were none # ERGO teach rdoc to ignore TO-DOs! ;-) # ERGO obtain Donne Roberts tracks! # ERGO all rake ci commands should complain about stray files # ERGO ASCII art for other module header # ERGO why FreeRIDE can't see Rakefile?? #:stopdoc: =begin ERGO wish list for RDoc: * the ability to alias a link to another part of the project. Example: assert_xpath[AssertXPath#assert_xpath] -> assert_xpath that would shorten the cross-link from another module ! the ability to transclude a snip of source from one module into the doc for another. For example, assert_xpath's doc should not say: See AssertXPathSuite#test_assert_xpath The contents of that test case should simply appear in the doc itself. * alternative, pretty, persistent URIs for items. Not: but: (Note I can do this with your patch, manually, by putting in an anchor) * Each page should have a linker to the root index.html * Ability to stick a method on the page where it belongs, instead of the page for the class where it happens to be! * link to complete source (I might be missing this one!) * don't trip over this colon: send(:"format_#{item.kind}", item, ypath) * complain for broken links Finally, this might be pilot error, but certain class names I simply cannot get out of the class list... =end #:startdoc: desc 'Generate documentation for the yar_wiki plugin.' do |rdoc| require 'doc/rdoc_patch' require 'pathname' # ERGO plunder: # # rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = 'XPath & JavaScript Assertions' rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' allison ='~/tools/allison-2.3/allison.rb').expand_path my_aim_is_true = allison.exist? rdoc.template = allison.to_s if my_aim_is_true # ERGO put the Allison contents div into a scroller # ERGO hanging indent on the bullet pointed items # ERGO does # :yields: element mean returns? # ERGO use call-seq to fix *args rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('test/*_test.rb') # ERGO clean this up and link in to them # and get the method names out of the general index? rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end desc 'send rdocs to' task :publish => :style do system 'scp -r rdoc/*' end desc 'upgrade and inspect the rdoc folder' task :style => :rdoc do system 'grep ERGO rdoc -r' system 'grep TODO rdoc -r' end task :agiledox do tests = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] tests.each do |file| m = %r".*/([^/].*)_test.rb".match(file) puts m[1]+" should:\n" test_definitions = File::readlines(file).select {|line| line =~ /.*def test.*/} test_definitions.each do |definition| m = %r"test_(should_)?(.*)".match(definition) puts " - "+m[2].gsub(/_/," ") end puts "\n" end end def findTodos(searchFor) folders = %w(lib tasks test wiki) files = FileList[ *{|q| q+'/**/*'} ] files.collect!{|f| f if File.file?(f) } files.compact! files.each do |f| if f !~ /(db|extra)$/ system "grep -H #{searchFor} #{f}" end end end # in order of severity... task :fixme do findTodos('FIX'+'ME') end task :ergo do findTodos('ER'+'GO') end # this keeps the excessive assert_xpath out of client's TODO searches! task :todo do findTodos('TO'+'DO') end task :consider do findTodos('CON'+'SIDER') end task :note do findTodos('NO'+'TE') end