# CONSIDER split the patch in two for separate submissions ################################################################## ## eek eek ook ook patch to add directives to RDocage require 'rdoc/rdoc' require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup' require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/lines' require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/fragments' require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html' # note: RDoc task fails if transcluder not found def find_method_contents(file_info, modool, method) file_info.each do |top| if mod = top.find_module_named(modool) and symbol = mod.find_local_symbol(method) return symbol.token_stream end end return nil end module RubyToken class Token def to_html html = CGI.escapeHTML(text) if text.size == 1 and '!@#$%^&*(){}?+/=[]\\|.,"\'<>-_;:'.include?(text) return "#{ html }" else return html end end end class TkCOMMENT; def to_html; '' + super + '' ; end; end class TkKW; def to_html; '' + super + '' ; end; end class TkIDENTIFIER; def to_html; '' + super + '' ; end; end class TkSYMBOL ; def to_html; '' + super + '' ; end; end class TkOp; def to_html; '' + super + '' ; end; end class TkSTRING; def to_html; '' + super + '' ; end; end # # # # # # end module SM class Line PURE_HTML = :PURE_HTML PURE_RUBY = :PURE_RUBY TRANSCLUDE = :TRANSCLUDE end class PureHTML < Fragment type_name Line::PURE_HTML end class PureRUBY < Fragment type_name Line::PURE_RUBY end class Transclude < Fragment type_name Line::TRANSCLUDE end class ToHtml def accept_transclude(am, fragment) if @context.context.parent and (found = find_method_contents(@context.context.parent.in_files, *fragment.txt.split('#'))) @res << '
        #  to do: hilite syntax; make method name clickable
        found.each_with_index do |tok, index|
          next if 0 == index and tok.text =~ /^\#/
          next if 1 == index and tok.text == "\n"
          @res << tok.to_html
        @res << '
' else raise "missing transclusion: #{ fragment.inspect }" @res << fragment.txt end end def accept_pure_html(am, fragment) @res << fragment.txt end def accept_pure_ruby(am, fragment) @res << eval(fragment.txt) end end class LineCollection def accept(am, visitor) visitor.start_accepting @fragments.each do |fragment| case fragment when Verbatim visitor.accept_verbatim(am, fragment) when PureHTML visitor.accept_pure_html(am, fragment) when PureRUBY visitor.accept_pure_ruby(am, fragment) when Transclude visitor.accept_transclude(am, fragment) when Rule visitor.accept_rule(am, fragment) when ListStart visitor.accept_list_start(am, fragment) when ListEnd visitor.accept_list_end(am, fragment) when ListItem visitor.accept_list_item(am, fragment) when BlankLine visitor.accept_blank_line(am, fragment) when Heading visitor.accept_heading(am, fragment) when Paragraph visitor.accept_paragraph(am, fragment) end end visitor.end_accepting end end class SimpleMarkup private def assign_types_to_lines(margin = 0, level = 0) while line = @lines.next if /^\s*%html/ === line.text then line.text.sub!("%html","") line.stamp( Line::PURE_HTML, level ) next end if /^\s*%transclude/ === line.text then line.text.sub!("%transclude","") line.stamp( Line::TRANSCLUDE, level ) next end if /^\s*%ruby/ === line.text then line.text.sub!("%ruby","") line.stamp( Line::PURE_RUBY, level ) next end if line.isBlank? line.stamp(Line::BLANK, level) next end # if a line contains non-blanks before the margin, then it must belong # to an outer level text = line.text for i in 0...margin if text[i] != SPACE @lines.unget return end end active_line = text[margin..-1] # Rules (horizontal lines) look like # # --- (three or more hyphens) # # The more hyphens, the thicker the rule # if /^(---+)\s*$/ =~ active_line line.stamp(Line::RULE, level, $1.length-2) next end # Then look for list entries. First the ones that have to have # text following them (* xxx, - xxx, and dd. xxx) if SIMPLE_LIST_RE =~ active_line offset = margin + $1.length prefix = $2 prefix_length = prefix.length flag = case prefix when "*","-" then ListBase::BULLET when /^\d/ then ListBase::NUMBER when /^[A-Z]/ then ListBase::UPPERALPHA when /^[a-z]/ then ListBase::LOWERALPHA else raise "Invalid List Type: #{self.inspect}" end line.stamp(Line::LIST, level+1, prefix, flag) text[margin, prefix_length] = " " * prefix_length assign_types_to_lines(offset, level + 1) next end if LABEL_LIST_RE =~ active_line offset = margin + $1.length prefix = $2 prefix_length = prefix.length next if handled_labeled_list(line, level, margin, offset, prefix) end # Headings look like # = Main heading # == Second level # === Third # # Headings reset the level to 0 if active_line[0] == ?= and active_line =~ /^(=+)\s*(.*)/ prefix_length = $1.length prefix_length = 6 if prefix_length > 6 line.stamp(Line::HEADING, 0, prefix_length) line.strip_leading(margin + prefix_length) next end # If the character's a space, then we have verbatim text, # otherwise if active_line[0] == SPACE line.strip_leading(margin) if margin > 0 line.stamp(Line::VERBATIM, level) else line.stamp(Line::PARAGRAPH, level) end end end end end ## eek eek ook ook patch to add directives to RDocage ##################################################################