# $Id: dasgn_curr.rb,v 1.3 2003/12/30 06:11:01 yuya Exp $ proc = Proc.new { |msg| p(msg) } proc.call('ok') # NodeDump V0.1.7 # # NODE_BLOCK: # NODE_NEWLINE: [dasgn_curr.rb:3] # NODE_LASGN: # NODE_ITER: # Iterator: # NODE_CALL: to method: 3177 (new) # Receiver: # NODE_CONST: 8453 (Proc) # Into: # NODE_DASGN_CURR: to dynamic variable 8961 (msg) # NODE_NEWLINE: [dasgn_curr.rb:4] # NODE_FCALL: to function: 6753 (p) # Parameters: # NODE_ARRAY: size = 1 # NODE_DVAR: dynamic variable 8961 (msg) # Assign to LV 2 (proc) # NODE_NEWLINE: [dasgn_curr.rb:7] # NODE_CALL: to method: 5753 (call) # Receiver: # NODE_LVAR: LV 2 (proc) # Parameters: # NODE_ARRAY: size = 1 # NODE_STR: "ok"